5 Tips for Attending an NHS Recruitment Event

Post pandemic, we are finding a new normal when it comes to recruitment events. It’s still possible to attend virtual events which is great if you are thinking about relocating, but in-person events are once again becoming more common - finally!

Mother and Daughter holding Team Tameside signs

We are huge advocates of in-person recruitment events as they can open your eyes to new ways of working and new positions, helping to expand your network.

Most NHS recruitment events will offer an interview on the day, so unlike most other recruitment events, you can actually walk away with a job offer! If you are ready to take this step, you must make sure you are fully prepared.

Here are our top tips for getting the most out of attending an NHS recruitment event.

Tameside and Glossop NHS midwifery recruitment event

1. Have a clear objective in mind. What do you want to get out of the event? This could be to secure a role from an interview on the day, or it could be to find out if the area you are interested in has a robust training and development pathway. Whatever your objective is, make sure you are clear on why you’re attending.

2. Do your research. Is this event going to have representation from the departments you are interested in working within? Who will be there? What is expected? You should be able to obtain this information through the Trust’s social channels, website or picking up the phone to ask someone. It’s disheartening to find you’ve wasted time so make sure the event is right for you!

3. Find out how the event is to be structured. Some NHS recruitment events are structured around interviews. If this isn’t something you are ready for then make sure you are clear – your purpose is to find out more information. This is absolutely fine!

4. Dress for success. Don’t go overboard, suits and dresses aren’t necessary but do look smart. You could be meeting your future employer for the first time; who wouldn’t want to make a positive first impression? Think clean, ironed clothes and a smart, tidy appearance. You can’t go wrong by adhering to infection prevention rules: tidy hair, no piercing jewellery on show, etc.

5. Network. Find out as much as you can about what it’s like to work within the organisation. Do they have set values that the staff represent? This is where you can uncover elements of the culture of the organisation, find out about social activities, etc. It is through these types of conversations where you will discover whether the organisation is one which you could thrive.

BDCFT NHS recruitment event

What’s next?

After you have attended a recruitment event, reflect on what your key takeaways are. If you have a job offer, what are the next steps? If you have decided a specific role within a specific department is right for you, now what? Make sure you keep hold of key contact details and follow up to ensure you get what you need.

Remember there are typically upwards of 5,000 people working for each NHS organisation and the people working there are extremely busy. Make sure you take charge of securing the role you want through making connections, seeking open vacancies and not giving up!

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